Health & Fitness,  Mindfulness

3 Ways To Be More Mindful Everyday

Perhaps you’ve heard about or even used the popular mindfulness meditation app “headspace” or “calm“. What these apps have in common is their ability to offer us simple ways to practice ways to be mindful. From clinical interventions to popular culture, mindfulness is fast becoming an everyday term. 


Mindfulness is simply put, our ability to be mindful. We can easily become distracted and lost in thought, and mindfulness shows us how to be present and aware. In becoming aware of our own minds and tuning into our environment and surroundings, we become more aware of those around us too. The quality of our lives is directly proportional to the quality of our relationships. By practicing mindfulness, we can ensure that our relationships are harmonious. Good relationships are very much a part of our own personal journey to health and happiness. It is only when we consistently take some time out of our day to practice mindfulness will we start reaping the benefits. 

Here are three ways to live more mindfully everyday.

Walk with mindfulness: Have you ever gone on a short walk? Whether you decide to do so in the house or outdoors, a short walk can change your entire outlook on life, especially when done mindfully. Set aside just 10 minutes per day to refresh both your body and mind. As you do this, notice how your body feels. Is it heavy or light? Stiff or relaxed? This action is called a body scan. Without trying to change the way you’re walking, simply observe how it feels. You might be feeling self-conscious as you do this, but the sensation is soon to quickly pass. Pay attention to what you can see, hear and smell. By becoming more aware of your physical senses, your mind will naturally feel more grounded. If you find that your mind wanders at all, (and it inevitably will), just bring your attention back to the physical sensation and rhythm of your body walking. 

Reflect on your day: One of the major parts of living more mindfully is in finding ways to be more appreciative of the life we have rather than always chasing after the next shiny object. This does not mean becoming complacent and not going after your goals and dreams. Rather, every evening before going off to sleep, review your day and find as many things you can be grateful for. You can begin by jotting down just three things and then stacking them up with time. They don’t have to be big things either. What’s important is simply taking time out to acknowledge them because each time you do, you’ll train your mind to be softer, calmer, kinder, and happier– which is in essence, being more mindful.

Learn to meditate: the practice of meditation isn’t reserved for a special few. Anyone today can learn how to meditate thanks to popular meditation apps such as Headspace, Breathwork, and Calm. Meditation is one way to train the monkey mind to quiet down and pay attention since they’re so used to leaping around all the time. But like any new skill, meditation requires training. Simply put, meditation is the practice of mindfulness in a controlled environment. Cool isn’t it? According to research, there is now considerable scientific evidence that shows that meditation can help lower the intensity of ailments from high blood pressure to emotional distress arising from anxiety and depression. It can boost your immune system and help lead you to a better night’s rest. One easy way to start is by putting away just 10 minutes a day to practice observing your thoughts as they come and go without judgment. Experts say the most effective time to meditate is first thing in the morning as this will help you start your day with a much clearer and calmer mind. 

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**Erica weaves themes of transformative hope and grace-filled leadership into everything she shares on her blog. She’s an author, a speaker, and a life coach, who offers honest encouragement and road-tested wisdom about topics ranging from leadership and lifestyle, to discovering your God-crafted identity, design, and purpose.

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