Health & Fitness
Diet advice/plans, workout routines, workout techniques, supplements
Cultivating Patience and Perseverance in Your Christian Walk
In our fast-paced world, patience and perseverance can feel like lost virtues. We live in a culture that values instant gratification, quick fixes, and immediate results. However, the journey of faith often requires us to slow down,…
- Health & Fitness, Home and Improvement, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
Calm in the Storm: A Believer’s Guide to Overcoming Anger
Introduction Anger is a powerful emotion—one that can easily take control if left unchecked. Whether it’s a sudden outburst or a slow simmer that builds over time, anger has the potential to damage relationships, steal our peace,…
- Creative, Health & Fitness, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
Releasing Past Hurts for Spiritual Freedom
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful, yet often challenging, aspects of the Christian faith. It calls us to let go of past hurts, release those who have wronged us, and embrace a path of healing and…
- Health & Fitness, Home and Improvement, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
The Transformative Power of Grace and Forgiveness
In our fast-paced world, where success is often measured by what we accumulate and achieve, it’s easy to overlook the softer, more profound virtues that truly define our lives—grace and forgiveness. These two forces, though often underestimated,…
- Business, Creative, Finance, Health & Fitness, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, Nutrition, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
Lifestyle Design: Three Habits That Guarantee Success At Anything
These habits are not about specific tactics. They go deeper. Most motivational speakers and popular authors discuss three success habits you can apply to anything. Want to lose weight? Pay off your debt? Build a retirement fund?…
- Health & Fitness, Home and Improvement, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
A Mini Guide To Healing From Trauma and Past Pain
Sometimes, a person can become so attached to their wounds and trauma in a way that makes them feel safe but prevents them and others from growing into their highest potential. I’ve seen leaders wear their past…
- Business, Creative, Finance, Health & Fitness, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, News, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
Becoming Clear and Rising Above Uncertainty
I’ve faced a lot of uncertainty in times past, and it’s one aspect of reality that nobody gets to avoid. This blog post would have been something I needed at the time. Before anything we do, there’s…
- Health & Fitness, Home and Improvement, Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Mindset, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
12 Keys To A Successful New Start
This blog post is just to say that I’m back with encouraging, inspiring, and challenging content to get you not just inspired and feeling giddy, but excited to grow in your walk with Christ. I am definitely…
- Business, Finance, Health & Fitness, Leadership, Mindfulness, Mindset, Nutrition, Parenting, Relationships, Spirituality
Walking The Narrow Path- Live For Today, Plan For Tomorrow
Whenever we hear about the death of a loved one, so many different emotions come up in us—shock, among many of them. When we face death, one of the healthiest things we can do is re-evaluate our…
Food Fears, Future Foods & Hot Trends- What’s There To Know
Did you know?– Nutrition questions are amongst the most Googled questions around the web today. In this article, I wanted to isolate some of the most interesting topics googled and give you guys evidence-based answers. One…